Website Design & Development

Your website is your brand's window to the world.

Looking good is important because your website is often your first impression you give potential customers. If they found you through an organic search or through a link a friend gave them, your website will be your first point of contact with them. Before they even see your store or talk to your staff, they will see your website. You want that first impression to be a good one.

Our Web Design & Development Services

Mobile friendly and responsive websites for every business and budget.

Websites for small businesses

Websites for Small & Medium Businesses

No matter the size of your business you should have a website to be proud of, which not only looks good but also acts a lead generator.

There are three reasons why a website is a must for your small business:

  1. First impressions count
  2. Window shopping isn’t what it used to be
  3. No website could mean you are missing out on business

Here at Mule we specialise in building WordPress websites, utilising the latest page builders and plugins to make sure your site is functional and cost effective.

eCommerce Websites

With record numbers of shoppers relying on online retailers in the wake of COVID-19, there is no surprise the eCommerce industry is booming. If you own a physical store or are looking to run a small business from home you may wish to take your products online.

Using WordPress and WooCommerce we can build you a powerful online store which can integrate with your other online platforms.

Whether you have 10 products or 1000 we can help you drive sales.

Other Web Services


Website Hosting

UK based hosting including CDN & SSL Certification as standard.

From £15 per month

Blog management and creation services

Website Management

Don’t worry about keeping your site up to date or publishing those blogs.

From £50 per month

Web Design Swindon

Here at Mule we love to work with exciting brands and businesses. We have experience working in a varitey of sectors including construction, pharmaceutical, building products, automotive, arts & culture and, fashion – just to name a few.

Have a web project in mind? Contact us today to see how we can help.

From Strangers to Customers - Converting Hits to Leads

Once you have users visiting your website how do you convert them into customers? Does your content make them want to contact or make a purchase?

We turn strangers in customer then into brand ambassadors in four simple steps. Want to know how?

Simple. Get in touch now!

Lead Generation